Sunday 31 January 2010

31st Jan 2010: Metabolic conditioning


Metcon in the frozen, squelchy park! Polly did basically the same but with minor variations.

A 20m run
B KB snatch @24kg x5 (right hand)
C 20m waiter walk @24kg KB (right hand)
D 20m run
E KB snatch @24kg x5 (left hand)
F 20m waiter walk @24kg KB (left hand)
G 20m forward sled drag @68kg
H Medball slam @2kg x10
I 20m backward sled drag @68kg

Rest period whilst other person went (3mins?).

Thursday 28 January 2010

28th January 2010: Lower

Yesterday: ~45mins bike (2 sessions)


25mins bike (2 sessions)

14:30 (ABW)
A Box jump to bench pad BWx4x6
B Zercher squat to bench pad 20x10, 50x5, 60x2x5, 80x3x3
C1 2-hand KB swing 40x3x12
C2 Reverse pull-through 60x3x15
D Treadmill: 1 mile @2% in 13m58s

Tuesday 26 January 2010

26th January 2010: Pecs a-pumpin'

I'm back! 2 weeks off and raring to go. Quick bodyweight workout today.

~50mins bike (3 sessions)

18:30 (Hodgson Towers)
Foam roll: thoracic extensions, upper back, lats, rear delts, hip flexors, quads, IT bands, adductors
Texas Push-up Challenge = 3mins 58. A real struggle!

Saturday 16 January 2010

16th January 2010: Return of the lungs!

87.8kg/193lb/13st 11

17:30 (Home)
Up-and-down ladder (1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1)
A1 Double KB clean @24's
A2 Double KB squat @24's
A3 Double KB Viking press @24's
A4 Pullup @BW
*Rest as needed, none between exercises

Very tough! You know that when you start thinking, "do I need to do the 5 reps?" that you're doing something right...

Friday 15 January 2010

15th January 2010: Down week = g@y max!

Wed: 25mins bike (2 sessions)
Thu: 25mins bike (2 sessions)
Fri: 40mins bike (3 sessions)

I cannot wait to lift some damn weights. And yes, I am aware that I am responsible for being South of Vag this week!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

12th January 2010: Miscellaneous excuses for training

90mins walking (2 sessions)

90mins walking (2 sessions)
25mins elliptical ("hill run", lvl4)
Hockey ball calves, feet
Stretch calves, feet

Friday 8 January 2010

8th January 2010 (MP 5/3/1): Gouken-style!

11:50 (ABW)
A1 Military press 20x10, 40x5, 57.5x5, 62.5x3, 67.5x5 [PR]
A2 Neutral chin BWx18 total reps
B Wide pulldown 47.5x17,10
C1 Rolling tri extn 14'sx4x8
C2 DB hammer curl 20'sx4x8
D Core circuit x2 (mountain climber x20, side plank x30s/side, reverse hyper iso hold x30s)
E 100 pushups in 7:52
S1 Lat x45s

Thursday 7 January 2010

7th January 2009 (Lower): What would Rocky do?

14:00 (Home)
A Squat jump 4x6
B Double KB (rack) squat 24'sx3x10
C1 KB swing 24x3x15
C2 Ab wheel rollout 3x8

Foam roll - quads, IT bands, adductors, hip flexors
Hockey ball - calves, feet, peroneals

Tuesday 5 January 2010

5th January 2010 (Conditioning/Recovery): You walk wrong

90.1kg/198lb/14st 2 [PR]

Lumbo-sacral area killing me today, painful and weak - too weak to do BB complexes so hit some KB snatches and recovery/blood flow work. Looking forward to a much-needed chiropractic adjustment on Thursday.


25mins bike (2 sessions)

11:15 (ABW)
A KB snatch @12kg x100 total reps
S1 Piriformis x45s/side
S2 Hip flexor (elevated) x45s/side
B Cable front raise x50 reps/side
C Straight bar pushdown x50 reps
D Flat DB flye x50 reps
E Facepull x50 reps
F Reverse hyper iso hold x2x30s (tough - definitely a movement to include regularly)


Monday 4 January 2010

4th January 2010 (BP 5/3/1): It's like a lion and a tiger mixed…bred for its skills in magic

Phase 2 of Project: Eye of the Liger begins today. Training will be a modified version of Joe Defranco's "Built Like A Badass" program. Diet will be a week of transition followed by a consistent primal approach with 10% meals.


25mins bike (2 sessions)

11:45 (ABW)
A Bench press 20x20, 40x10, 60x5, 70x5, 80x5, 90x3, 100x5 [all-time PR]
B Inc. DB press 24'sx25,16
C1 Seated cable row (pronated) Stackx15,15,12,12
C2 Straight bar pushdown 23.75x4x15
D1 DB shrug (2s hold) 35'sx3x12
D2 DB lateral raise 12'sx12,12,8
*Complex finisher to be performed tomorrow due to time constraints/nausea
S1 Band pec/delt x45s/side
S2 Lat x45s

Foam roll - hip flexors, IT bands, quads, adductors
Hockey ball - Calves, feet