Saturday 26 December 2009

26th December 2009 (MP 5's): Let me die with a sword in my hands!


15:00 (Home)
A1 Military press 47x5, 52.5x5, 59.5x8
A2 Pullup BWx5,5,9
C1 KB overhead press 20x11,11,11,10,9/side
C2 Band pull-apart vs miniband x2x20
*Following performed in ETT fashion, 40s work/40s rest
D1 BB shrug (D/O, no straps/chalk) 59.5x3x40s
D2 Front plate raise 15x3x40s
E1 L:ying miniband curl x3x40s
E2 Monster miniband pushdown x3x40s
S1 Band pec/delt x45s/side
S2 Lat x45s

Thursday 24 December 2009

24th December 2009 (Lower): Well the weather outside is frightful....


11:30 (PP)
*All sets performed in ETT-style, 40s on/65s off
A1 Hammer horizontal leg press (quad emphasis) vs minibands 80x3x40s
A2 Toe press vs minibands 40x3x40s
B1 Leg extension #6x3x40s
B2 Hammer unilateral standing leg curl vs minibands 10x40s, 7.5x40s, 5x40s
S1 RF x45s/side
S2 Adductor x45s/side
C1 45 degree back raise 15x3x40s
C2 Single-leg plank BWx2x40s
*Remainer aborted due to massive nausea!

Wednesday 23 December 2009

23rd December 2009 (BP 5's): Infamous... butcher... angel of death!

11:15 (Work gym)

Band work: pull-aparts, rear delts, dislocations
A1 Bench press 20x20, 40x10, 60x5, 70x5, 80x5, 90x9 [PR]
A2 Facepull 60x2x10
B1 Incline DB bench 27.5'sx11,11,10,9,8
B2 EZ bent row (supinated grip) Bar+45x5x10
*Following sets done in ETT-style, 35s work/35s rest
C1 DB side lateral 7'sx3x35s
C2 Rock 'n' rolls vs miniband 7'sx3x35s
C3 Incline DB curl 7'sx3x35s
S1 Bicep x45s/side
S2 Lat x45s
S3 Band pec/delt x45s/side
S4 Tricep @24kg KB x45s

Friday 18 December 2009

18th December 2009 (MP 3's): Metal! It comes from Hell!

87.1kg/192lb/13st 10

~60mins bike (4 sessions)
Theracane: trap, neck
Hockey ball: foot

~60mins bike (4 sessions)
Theracane: trap, neck


11:30 (Work gym)
A Speed bench vs minibands 50%x8x3 (30s rest)
B1 Military press 20x10, 40x5, 50x3, 55x3, 62.5x8 [PR]
B2 Neutral chin BWx5, +5x3, +16x6
C1 KB overhead press 20x5x12,10,10,8,8/side
C2 Cable reverse flye 6.25'sx2x10, 3.75'sx15
*Following performed in ETT fashion, 35s work/35s rest
D1 BB shrug (D/O, no straps/chalk) 60x3x35s
D2 Front plate raise 15x3x35s
E1 EZ curl Bar+15x3x35s
E2 V-bar pushdown 45x3x35s
S1 Bicep x45s/side
S2 Band pec/delt x45s/side
S3 Band trap x45s/side
S4 Tricep @24kg KB x45s

Tuesday 15 December 2009

15th December 2009 (Lower): I'm not satisfied!


11:30 (Work gym)
*All sets performed in ETT-style, 35s on/55s off
A1 Leg press (quad emphasis) vs minibands 130x3x35s
A2 Toe press vs minibands 90x3x35s
B1 Leg extension 50x3x35s
B2 Swiss ball leg curl BWx3x35s
S1 RF x45s/side
S2 Adductor x45s/side
C1 45 degree back raise 15x3x35s
C2 Single-leg plank BWx3x35s
S3 Hamstring x45s/side
S4 Calf x45s/side
S5 PF x45s/side
S6 Glute x45s/side

Foam roll: Hip, quad, IT band, adductor
Hockey ball: VMO, glute, piriformis
Stretch: Piriformis, hip flexor, adductor

Monday 14 December 2009

14th December 2009 (BP 3's): You look in the mirror and say, "I need a little more deltoids, a little more shoulders"

87.2kg/192lb/13st 10

First week of Project: Eye of the Liger in the bank, and I've achieved 90% compliance to both diet plan and training plan. So far so good....


Foam roll: hip, quad, IT band, adductor
Hockey ball: Piriformis, glute, VMO, calf, foot
Stretch: Hip flexor, adductor, piriformis



25mins bike (2 sessions)

11:30 (Work gym)
Band work: pull-aparts, rear delts, dislocations
A1 Bench press 20x20, 40x10, 60x6, 72.5x4, 85x3, 95x6 [PR]
A2 Facepull 55x2x15
B1 Incline DB bench 27.5'sx12,10,10,10,10
B2 EZ bent row (supinated grip) Bar+42.5x5x10
*Following sets done in ETT-style, 30s work/30s rest
C1 DB side lateral 7'sx3x30s
C2 Rock 'n' rolls vs miniband 7'sx3x30s
C3 Incline DB curl 7'sx3x30s
S1 Bicep x45s
S2 Lat x45s
S3 Band pec/delt x45s/side
S4 Tricep @24kg KB x45s

1815: 60mins ballroom dancing

Foam roll: Thoracic, lat, pec, delt
Hockey ball: Teres, calf, foot
Theracane: Trap, neck
Stretch: Pec/delt, lat, sleeper stretch

Friday 11 December 2009

11th December 2009 (MP Deload): What's called for here is some old-fashioned. blunt force trauma!


25mins bike (2 sessions)

11:15 (Work gym)
A1 Speed bench vs minibands 50%x8x3 (30s rest)
B1 KB overhead press 20x5x10/side
B2i Pullup BWx8,8,6
B2ii Cable reverse flye 3.75'sx20,15
*Following performed in ETT fashion, 30s work/30s rest
C1 BB shrug (D/O, no straps/chalk) 60x3x30s 
C2 EZ curl Bar+15x3x30s
D1 Front plate raise 15x3x30s
D2 V-bar pushdown 45x3x30s
S1 Bicep x45s
S2 Lat x45s
S3 Band rear delt x45s

Foam roll: Quad, IT band, adductor, hip flexor
Hockey ball: Piriformis, glute, foot
Theracane: Neck, traps
Stretch: Piriformis, adductor, hip flexor

Thursday 10 December 2009

10th December 2009 (Lower): Gotta get back in time


25mins bike

Foam roll: IT band, quad, adductor, hip flexor
Hockey ball: Piriformis, glute, calf, foot
Stretch: Piriformis, adductor, calf


25mins bike (2 sessions)

*Taking a slightly modified, Dave Tate "Extended Tension Training" approach in this phase. 30s work with 45s rest on all exercise pairings.
11:30 (Work gym)
A1 Leg press (quad emphasis) vs minibands 130x3x30s
A2 Toe press vs minibands 90x3x30s
B1 Leg extension 50x3x30s
B2 Swiss ball leg curl BWx3x30s
S1 RF x45s/side
S2 Adductor x45s/side
C1 45 degree back raise 15x3x30s
C2 Single-leg plank BWx3x30s
S3 Hamstring x45s/side
S4 Calf x45s/side
S5 PF x45s/side

Foam roll: Upper back, pec, delt, lat
Hockey ball: Teres, calf, foot
Theracane: Traps, neck
Stretch: Lat, calf, sleeper stretch

Tuesday 8 December 2009

8th December 2009: Tri's for the guys

Triceps sore but other than feeling good (and full of food).


25mins bike (2 sessions)

Band recovery work; pushdowns, curls, side raise, front raise, pulldowns x100 reps per movement

Foam roll: upper back, lats, rear delts, pecs
Hockey ball: feet
Stretch: pecs, lats, sleeper stretch

Monday 7 December 2009

7th December 2009 (BP Deload): Oh, it's a deep burn! It burns so deep!

87.9kg/193lb/13st 11

Phase 1 (4wks) of "Eye of the Liger" starts today. Hypertrophy and mobility/flexibility/soft tissue quality are the focus(es).


25mins bike (2 sessions)

11:30 (Work gym)
A1 Incline DB bench 27.5'sx5x10
A2 EZ bent row (underhand grip) Bar+40x5x10
B1 Modified BB extension 40x5x10
B2 Facepull 55x5x10
C1 Lean-away DB lateral raise 6x3x12/side
C2 Unilateral palms-out DB curl 6x3x12/side
C3 Cross-body DB extension 6x3x12/side
*"C" performed as a circuit with no rest
S1 Flye EQI @10'sx45s
S2 Bicep x45s
S3 Lat x45s
S4 Band pec/delt x45s/side
S5 Tricep @20kg KB x45s
D1 Straight-arm pulldown 30x50

Foam roll quads, IT band, adductors, upper back
Hockey ball glutes, calves, feet, low back
Stretch hip flexors, piriformis

5th December 2009: Turning Point

13:00 (PP; with The Rush)
A1 Sumo deadlift x Failure
B1 Iso squat x Catatrophic Injury
C1 Standing leg curl vs miniband 15x3x10/side
D1 Bicep movements 5x10
D2 Tricep movements 5x10
E1 Dip shrug BWx25

Friday 4 December 2009

4th December 2009 (MP 5/3/1): Getting my Yoke on

87kg/191lb/13st 9


25mins bike (2 sessions)

11:30 (Work gym)
A1 Military press 20x15, 40x10, 50x5, 57.5x3, 65x6 [rep PR]
A2 Neutral chin BWx5, +8x3, +20x5
B1 KB press 20x12,10,10/side
B2 BB shrug (D/O, no straps/chalk) 100x15,15,12
C1 Front plate raise 15x2x15
C2 Bar pushdown 50x2x15
C3 EZ curl +20x2x10
S1 Bicep x45s
S2 Lat x45s
S3 Shoulder x45s

Tuesday 1 December 2009

1st December 2009 (SQ 5's): What would Chuck Norris do?


25mins bike (2 sessions)

12:00 (Work gym)
A1 Box squat (parallel) 20x10, 60x8, 80x5, (belt on) 100x5, 115x5, 132.5x9 [PR]
A2 Hip flexor mob x2x12/side
A3 Adductor mob x2x12
B1 Front squat 80x3x5
B2 Bent-knee dragon flag BWx2x8
C1 KB single-leg RDL 40x2x8/side
C2 Leg extension 60x2x15
S1 RF x45s/side
S2 Adductor x45s/side
S3 Glute x45s/side

*Lower back & SI joint both felt uncomfortable from the warm up. Post-workout, recurrence of shooting pain in right leg - will ice later. Fortunately not deadlifting until Monday so plenty of rest time.