Tuesday 29 March 2011

28-29 March 2011: You listening to me? Go for the stomach!

7 miles bike

18:00 3x bacon + Mexicana, 100ml double cream, Eat Natural bar
20:30: Chilli w/rice + cheddar, 4 squares Lindt 90%

7 miles bike

09:30 (ABW) (w/DW)
A1 Chinup BW+7.5x5(52s) [+2.5kg]
A2 Cybex Galileo shoulder press #12x6(48s) [-9s]
A3 Seated cable row 51.25x7(64s) [+1r +10s]
A4 Polaris Delta chest press 80x6(58s) [+1r +5s]
B1 Hammer 45 leg press vs #4 band (53)170x10(60s) [+1r +3s]

18:00 Bacon x3 w/Boursin, 2 brazil nuts
20:30 Slow-roast beef w/mashed potato, 4 squares Lindt 90%

Monday 28 March 2011

19-22 March 2011: I wonder if I could kick your ass?

09:30 Kallo puffed rice w/milk
13:00 Biriyani w/sea bass
20:00 [Prezzo Cardiff] Nachos, risotto, hazelnut bombe


10:00 Scrambled eggs w/chorizo, Mexicana, corn tortilla chips
11:00 5x Madelines (GF)
13:30 French lunch
20:30 Pork belly rashers x3 w/biriyani, bag of chocolate peanuts

7 miles bike
17:30 Pork belly rasher, back bacon x4, Mexicana, double cream, 4x brazils
20:30 Gammon, egg, chips, peas

7 miles bike
10:00 (ABW) (w/DW)
A1 Chinup BW+5x6(58s) [+1s]

A2 Cybex Galileo shoulder press #12x7(57s) [seat 1 pin too low!]
A3 Seated cable row 51.25x6(54s) [+1r +1s]
A4 Polaris Delta chest press 80x5(53s) [+5kg]
B1 Hammer 45 leg press vs #4 band (53)170x9(57s) [+1r +5s]

20:30 Beef meatballs w/biriyani

Friday 18 March 2011

17-18 March 2011: The Riddle of Steel + 62 Days of Vanity


7 miles bike
This MWOD almost tore my right-side grundel in half. In a good way.

18:00 Roast lamb, 4 brazil nuts, clotted cream
20:30 Chicken thighs x2, sausages x2, potato, turnip

7 miles bike

10:00 (ABW)

A1 EZ curl (alt bar) +22.5x7+3+2=12RP [+1r]
A2 EZ reverse curl (alt bar) +10x5
A3 Pushdown vs mini-band 25x7+3+3=13RP [+2r]
B1 Facepull 35x8 [+5kg]
B2 Cable lateral raise (leaning) 3.75x8/side [-]
C1 Machine flye 55x6 [+5kg]
D1 45 degree back raise +25x7 [+5kg]
(*All tempos 5/5)

17:30 2 sausages, 2 eggs, 3 rashers streaky bacon, 4 brazil nuts, clotted cream
20:30 Lemon sole, sea bass, chips, peas

Wednesday 16 March 2011

12-16 March 2011: Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky. But Crom is your god!



13:30 Plate o' roast lamb, chilli sauce, bag of chocolate brazils
21:00 Roast chicken (leg + wing), sauteed potato, creamed leeks, ton of butter, homemade pistachio ice-cream (ala Perfect Health Diet)

2 miles bike

13:30 Lamb "sandwich" w/mayo
20:30 Roast chicken in butter sauce, homemade chips, peas

09:00 Bacon, scrambled eggs w/applewood
12:00 Le dejeuner francais
16:00 Bag of peanut M&Ms and a creme egg
21:00 Seafood risotto

13:00 15 chicken wings, 2tbsp clotted cream
19:00 Roast lamb w/mayo
21:00 2x beef burgers w/leftover risotto

7 miles bike

09:10 (ABW) (w/DW)
A1 Chinup BW+5x6(54s) [-3s]
A2 Cybex Galileo shoulder press #12x6(57s) [+7s]
A3 Seated cable row 51.25x5(53s) [+1.25kg]
A4 Polaris Delta chest press 75x7(73s) [+9s]
B1 Hammer 45 leg press vs #4 band (53)170x8(52s) [+1r -2s]

Le Menu:
18:00 Roast lamb w/mayo, 4 brazil nuts
20:30 2x beef burgers w/chips, guac, salsa, cheddar, onions, pistachio ice-cream

Friday 11 March 2011

11 March 2011: 69 Days of Vanity

Now that's what I call a side chest!


7 miles bike

10:00 (ABW)
A1 EZ curl +20x6+3+2=11RP [-]
A2 Pushdown vs mini-band 25x6+3+2=11RP
B1 Facepull 30x9
B2 Cable lateral raise (leaning) 3.75x8/side
C1 Machine flye 50x7
D1 45 degree back raise +20x9
(*All tempos 5/5)

18:00: 200g BBQ steak, fried egg, mexican cheese, clotted cream, brazil nuts
20:30: Roast beef w/red wine sauce, sweet potato mash

Thursday 10 March 2011

10 March 2011: Consider this a divorce!


7 miles bike

18:00: 200g 15% beef, mexican cheese, fried egg, mayo, clotted cream
20:30: Trout fillets x2, homemade chips (~1 potato), mayo

Wednesday 9 March 2011

09 March 2011: Martin will come to London so strong, but when we leave for Vegas he will be ready to lose...

...I will talk him into it!

Weight - 79.4kg

7 miles bike (commute)

18:00: 200g 10% beef w/fried egg & cheddar, 1 sausage, 4 brazil nuts
20:30: Rump steak, potatoes dauphin, 20g G&B 85%

Tuesday 8 March 2011

08 March 2011

09:35 (ABW) (w/DW)
A1 Chinup BW+5x6(57s) [-]
A2 Cybex Galileo shoulder press #12x6(50s) [+1#]
A3 Seated cable row 50x8(69s) [+1r +5s]
A4 Polaris Delta chest press 75x7(64s) [+1r +7s]
B1 Hammer 45 leg press vs #4 band (53)170x7(54s) [+#4 band]

Thursday 3 March 2011

03 March 2011: 77 Days of Vanity

12:30 (Home)
A1 CG pushup (5/5) vs #3 band x5, BWx5
A2 DB curl (5/5) 8.5'sx5, 7.5'sx5

Short and sweet to enable exam revision/not be extra stress.

Eats today:
PWO (13:30): 500g minced lamb (curried) + 1 small potato (fried in ghee) + 1/3 bar G&B 85%
Dinner (20:30): 500g pork spare rib joint + roasted potatoes, leeks and peppers